Exploring the Wonders of Coaxial Cables and Wireless Connectivity – RFShop Blog

Product and Services Overview

We often get asked for a summary on what we offer. It's not fair to assume that our website tells the whole story, as you can browse as much as you want but it may not present you specific detail on types of products, partner companies or our broader capabilities.In...

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Who is Black Art Technologies?

You may have noticed that we refer a lot to Black Art Technologies (or BAT in short). Black Art Technologies is the same group of engineers as RFShop Australia, trading as Black Art Technologies. We have 40+ years of antenna and RF system design experience and have...

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RFShop & BAT Mission, Vision and Values

As a technical company it's very tempting to start a conversation by telling people what we do. Imagine the excitement in the room when you start a conversation like this: "What do I do? Well, I build coaxial cables and sell antennas for a living". I guess you can...

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Top 3 SMA Questions

Top 3 SMA Questions

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez0s64DU-8g Top 3 SMA questions Over the last 3 years (well, in-fact more than that) I have come to realise that there is an ongoing confusion about SMA connectors. I can appreciate where the confusion comes from and in these images...

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Identifying Coaxial Connectors

Identifying Coaxial Connectors

It can be quite confusing to specify coaxial connectors particularly when they can be “reverse polarity”  or “reverse gender”. In the good old days, before some bright spark decided to introduce RP types there were just two types of SMA and other similar connectors. The plug had a male pin and the jack had a female pin. Too easy. The reverse SMA plug, RP-SMA plug,  instead, has a female pin (4th pic down) and the reverse SMA jack has a male pin (3rd pic down). Unfortunately there seems to be an increasing tendency to refer to the RP-SMA plug as “RP-SMA male”. We use the term RP-SMA plug female pin , because, from what we know of sex, there are no male elements at all in RP-SMA plugs.

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